Im Not The Same Person When 2015 Started!

not the same person 2015 Lion

 Every year I do my end of the year blog, sharing the new word God has given me for the New Year. Last year I wasn’t real excited about my word ‪#COURAGE. I was a little nervous about what I was going to need courage for! I really had NO idea all the changes I was going to need courage for in 2015. It has been probably the most unbelievable “shake things up”, listen and trust your gut and Gods leading year I have ever had in my life with lots of surprises. It has been a year of fear, being true to myself and jumping, letting go of things and people, delirious happiness, tremendous grief and sadness, growing in faith and learning what courage really means. God always knows what he is doing and his ways are not ours. I also learned that courage is acting in spite of the fear.
Last week when he gave me my new word in prayer time, I was thrilled with my word this year! My new word for 2016 is ‪#RESTORE. And God spoke to me… Debbie, in this new year,
“I will give you beauty for ashes, joy for sadness and
praise for heaviness. I will #restore what the locust have eaten.”
“For I know that plans I have for you. They are plans for good, not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you seek me, you will find me more than ever” Jeremiah 29:11
No, I am not the same person that I was this time last year. I have no idea what God has in store for this new year. However, this one thing I do know. His is trustworthy and faithful. He knows what we need and when we surrender to his perfect will for our lives he will use it for our good and his glory.
I share this  for two reasons.

One to be vulnerable and authentic and to give Him glory.

Two…to encourage you to know that 2016 can be a year of great change and restoration for you in every area of your life if you let go and let God show you his plan for you.

I pray this new year for you is one of hope, health, happiness, new beginnings, prosperity, and all your heart desires. As I write in my new journal this year, I cant wait to be logging all the things God is going to  Restore!

May you be thankful for all you learned (hard lessons and all) in 2015 and have the faith and confidence that 2016 has wonderful new things in store for you. Maybe you also need some things restored this new year. Maybe faith, a relationship, hope, unconditional love and acceptance toward self. Have  the courage to believe that you and God can make all things new next year! Have the courage to believe. 

Happy, Healthy New Year to All!

Debbie Sherrick/Holistic Codependency Life Coach