Wishing Others Would Change

WISHING OTHERS WOULD CHANGE Do you spend a lot of time wishing that other people would change and just get it? We all desire better relationships. With codependent behavior, we try to change others and can use many different ways to try to do this! But you can’t force them. It will backfire every time…

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Signs of a Great Man In a Relationship

10 Sure Signs You’ve Found a Modern Gentleman  By James Michael Sama   It seems difficult to find good people these days, whether you are interested in men or women. And, the older we get, the dating pool seems to turn into more of a puddle. But the truth is, good men and women are still…

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Think Healing Thoughts for Now

Coda Corner: THINK HEALING THOUGHTS Its no secret that our thoughts create how we feel and act. Try your best each day, to think healing thoughts. When you feel anger or resentment, or worry or shame, etc, ask God to help you feel it, ask what your lesson is and then release it. We can…

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Taking Things Personally/OurTrigger Points

TAKING THINGS PERSONAL GETTING TRIGGERED AND REACTING It can be easy to react and over-react to people and events. We may find that we react to others needs, feelings, judgments, behavior, and choices. Remember that other peoples words and actions reflect who they are, just as your words and actions reflect you. When you over…

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How Do You Know If A Man Really Wants You?

So many times women question if a man really desires to be with them or loves them. We accept crumbs instead of the whole cake, make excuses for them being unavailable or not attentive. Codependent behavior can feel comfortable with someone not being there for them if they grew up not experiencing proper attached relationship…

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Im Not The Same Person When 2015 Started!

 Every year I do my end of the year blog, sharing the new word God has given me for the New Year. Last year I wasn’t real excited about my word ‪#COURAGE. I was a little nervous about what I was going to need courage for! I really had NO idea all the changes I…

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Is It Possible to Have a Healthy Relationship After One So Unhealthy??

In my Empowering Women’s Coda Support group on fb this week I had one of the ladies pose these questions about herself and others: Is it possible to have a healthy loving relationship after ending one so painful? Do I believe there are any good guys out there? Will I get married again? Do I…

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How Do You Tell If Your Partner Really Loves You?

When your partner says “I love you”, do you believe it? Do you feel secure? Are you able to take in the expression of love and say it freely in return? Or is there a part of you holding back? Is there a little voice in your head saying anything like this: “If she truly…

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Weight Loss and the Connection to Low Self Esteem

Today, I want to talk to you about how to gain more self-esteem and its connection to losing weight. Now, I don’t think it’s any surprise to realize that the respect we have for ourselves is closely tied to how we treat ourselves, how we treat our bodies, and how we allow others to treat…

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Letting Go of Unhealthy Relationships

Part of loving ourselves, is honoring our truth. You know my mantra for healing this stuff is To Thine Ownself Be True. Easier said than done sometimes. At first, it is getting the courage to do it. When you are done feeling that uncomfortable feeling inside, that tug of war feeling that is the old…

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