Think Healing Thoughts for Now

coda root chakra nature

Its no secret that our thoughts create how we feel and act. Try your best each day, to think healing thoughts. When you feel anger or resentment, or worry or shame, etc, ask God to help you feel it, ask what your lesson is and then release it. We can also ask Him to bless those who you feel anger or resentment towards.
When you feel fear, ask Him to take it from you and ask yourself what are you really afraid of? Go deep inside and take a look. When you are in self-pity, force gratitude. When you are feeling deprived, focus on that God and his Universe have enough to go around for all of us! He knows no lack. Maybe we are continuing to focus on the things we “don’t want” instead of “what we desire” in our life. What we think and how we feel always match and we will continue to attract that into our lives. The same as, “where attention goes, energy flows.” We have to remember that feelings buried alive never die, and they can make us physically sick, as proven by medical research now.
When you doubt your timing or your present position of where you are in life right now, remind yourself that all is well, that you are safe, and that you are exactly where you are suppose to be. So are those we love!
Learn to live vertically, staying in today, and connected to God. When you worry about your future, remind yourself to stay in the now and that today, all is well. When you look back at the past, let go of regrets. They do not serve your well being.
Sometimes, the greatest thing we can do for ourselves is to be in acceptance instead of resistance. Ease and flow is my motto. I find that when I “let go and let God”, let go of the reigns, things seem to always work out for my best interest.
When you think about yourself today, think love. When you think of others today, think love. For now, focus on healing thoughts.


Debbie Sherrick/Holistic Codependency Coach