Weight Loss and the Connection to Low Self Esteem

Today, I want to talk to you about how to gain more self-esteem and its connection to losing weight. Now, I don’t think it’s any surprise to realize that the respect we have for ourselves is closely tied to how we treat ourselves, how we treat our bodies, and how we allow others to treat us in relationships. A great way to gain self-esteem, is to act and respond to situations with emotional integrity. Its about being true to yourself. Not just because people are watching, not to please others, not just because someone might find out, but because it gives you pride……. because inside you’re proud of the decision you’ve made and being true to yourself.  You didn’t take the easy route. You took the route that you know honors your beliefs.  It’s not always easy, but it is sometimes difficult to do that.

Often times, people, they take the easier, softer way and that’s how they end up ten pounds overweight, twenty pounds, fifty, a hundred.

 It’s sometimes more difficult to do what’s right. But, in the long run, you will have more self respect. You’ll have more respect for your body, for your relationships and all the other areas of your life. But most of all, you will start to feel proud of your decisions.

In order to improve your self-esteem and respect yourself, you’ve got to make the right decision, whether people are watching or not. You’ve got to feel good about what you’ve done and the choice that you’ve made, whether it’s the decision to go exercise, the decision to eat right, the decision to engage in negative addictions or poor behavior choices.

So many people come from a place of shame. Shame is not guilt. Shame is a underlying feeling of “just not quite good enough”. Most people that come from a place of shame “should” on themselves all day long. I should do this, or I should not have done that…. Nothing they do quite measures up and by the end of the day their not happy with decisions they have made. They feel like a failure again. So they spiral and start to blow it by eating the wrong things. Or even too much of a good thing and binge eating. This is a vicious cycle of not feeling self respect again, and feeling the shame and the cycle goes on with the eating and poor choices.

Another factor  is people not having healthy instead strategies for stress. Their stressed over jobs, money, relationships, health issues, and other various external factors. So instead of being intentional and creating a plan for handling stress, they eat to comfort and stuff the feelings.

Each time you make a healthy decision to honor yourself with personal integrity and do the thing that makes you proud of yourself,  you build self-esteem. As you continue to build that self-esteem, It becomes easier and easier because it becomes a habit and before you know it you start to like and love yourself!  Making those right decisions, doing what you know you have pride for, is a habit and that habit will build upon itself. You’ll feel your self worth grow.  You’ll feel your self-respect grow. You’ll feel yourself actually having an easier time with making those difficult decisions. Believe it or not that’s going to help you with your journey to lose weight or maintain the weight loss. Make the right decision… I know you can do absolutely anything you want to do bad enough. It does take work and awareness. A decision. Being determined and consistent.  It does take thought, it does take stopping yourself and realizing I’m worth it, I need to respect myself, I need to make the right decision for me. I love myself and I deserve this! You can reach your goals. It is doable. So stay on your path. Don’t give up. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. It works!

Health and Happiness To You!

Debbie Sherrick/ Holistic Wellness Coach
